Month: February 2018

  • Ills of the World

    Lots of bad things going on in the world. It has ever been thus, but seems to have moved to the forefront here in the United States due to governmental incompetence. Systems are beginning to fail and we have no plan to deal with that. Let’s engage in petty squabbling and screw people over(like the…

  • Country…and Western

    Well, I don’t know if you remember the joke about liking both kinds of music, country and western, but my lazy google search took me to 1980’s The Blues Brothers. Thought it would be older than that. Anyway… I’ve put together a podcast of country music for y’all. This isn’t new country, but good old…

  • Happy Presidents Day

    Hmm, I did not know that “President’s Day” is actually still Washington’s Birthday (February 22 is his actual birthday). I thought they combined his with Lincoln’s birthday (February 12) – apparently not. The Federal holiday is still called Washington’s birthday, although most states have proclaimed it as President’s Day. They do not share birth months…

  • Weird Winter

    Rain again. It’s been another odd winter. We haven’t had a lot of snow, but have had a couple of big storms. Generally they have been followed by days of rain, like this weekend. We had one big cold spell that lasted for days, but overall the temperatures have been ok, and the 10-day forecast…

  • Blues Power

    “The blues ain’t nothin’ but…” You can fill in the blank here. Like most people, I started appreciating the blues through the English guitarists of the 1960’s, like Eric Clapton. For me it was a quick step to the electric blues of Chicago as characterized by Muddy Waters. Then I got even deeper into the…

  • Covfefe

    I’m a coffee drinker. I drink a lot of coffee in the morning, but not as much as I used to. I was the guy in the office making pot after pot of coffee, and drinking it if no one else was drinking it. That was in the past. Now I have a cup after…