Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Vaccination Nation Station Creation

    Good news (for Kate and me) – we have our vaccination scheduled for Tuesday. New Hampshire is starting to let the kids get vaccinated (well, kids = 50-64 year-olds) beginning on Monday, and we managed to get on the schedule early. I thought that it would take months, but persistence (over an hour on hold)…

  • Could it be…Spring

    Could it actually be spring? The equinox is a week off, and yet it was really warm this week, getting to the high 60’s on Thursday. Can’t really rely on forecasts, but it’s supposed to be warm by mid-week next week (this is in New England – ymmv). Overall the winter was pretty mild –…

  • March

    March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. I don’t know how I know this – it’s just one of those expressions that I heard when I was young and has stuck with me. This March has certainly been lion-like, if lions are very, very cold. But are lions cold? Don’t…

  • Anniversary

    Today marks the end of another month. On Monday it’s March 1. And what is happening in March? Why, it’s anniversary time. It’ll be a year since the pandemic hit and kept us cooped up at home. The first-year anniversary present is paper. I know what paper I want – one that has a date…

  • Check-In

    How’s everyone doing? Hope all’s still well out there. New strains of the virus, vaccinations on the upswing, weather doing weather things out there. We’re having a normal winter – if anything snow’s been a little light overall. We’re still hunkered down. Kate’s starting to go stir crazy, but if anything is even more cautious…

  • Pandemic Blues

    I saw a tweet yesterday that said “Am I depressed or is laying in bed f*ing awesome?” We’ve got the Pandemic blues, and one way to celebrate is to listen to the blues. I’ve put together an hour’s worth of blues music from the last 5 years. The blues is alive and well, so listen…

  • Valentine’s Day

    Happy Valentine’s Day. Wasn’t really started by Hallmark, although they’ve co-opted the day very well, thank you. 2021 is not exactly the most romantic of times, but then, was the Third Century that romantic? As with most saints, he was arrested and no doubt tortured brutally (the stories of the Saints is filled with torture…

  • Whaddyagot?

    Another week like many others in pandemic times. Picked up a meal at a restaurant, tipped generously, but mostly stayed home without getting a lot accomplished. Thankfully for me, there’s work so I can stay busy during the day. Otherwise being stuck at home with nothing to do would send me crazy (like my wife.…

  • Snow

    A real snowstorm tomorrow night? Is it supposed to be winter around here? We finally had a cold snap this week – the first of the season. Maybe we’re just having a late winter this year. We’ve had years of huge snowfalls in March – maybe 2021 will be that way. Or maybe we’ll only…

  • Genius

    The word genius is thrown around pretty easily these days, but I get to prove that I’m a genius on a daily basis. I play a game in the New York Times called Spelling Bee, where you make words out of the seven letters they give you and you have to make words with them.…

Got any book recommendations?