Month: March 2021

  • Shot One in the Books

    Tuesday, 1:00-1:10. First shot. Come on over to the bus station to get vaccinated…or words to that effect. Kate and I went over at 12:50, figuring this would be a breeze. There was some backup, but it wasn’t bad. We waited in line in our car, slowly moving around the perimeter of the parking lot.…

  • Vaccination Nation Station Creation

    Good news (for Kate and me) – we have our vaccination scheduled for Tuesday. New Hampshire is starting to let the kids get vaccinated (well, kids = 50-64 year-olds) beginning on Monday, and we managed to get on the schedule early. I thought that it would take months, but persistence (over an hour on hold)…

  • Could it be…Spring

    Could it actually be spring? The equinox is a week off, and yet it was really warm this week, getting to the high 60’s on Thursday. Can’t really rely on forecasts, but it’s supposed to be warm by mid-week next week (this is in New England – ymmv). Overall the winter was pretty mild –…

  • March

    March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. I don’t know how I know this – it’s just one of those expressions that I heard when I was young and has stuck with me. This March has certainly been lion-like, if lions are very, very cold. But are lions cold? Don’t…