Author: Brennick

  • 1981

    The AV club had a series of articles on the best year… and one writer took on the best year in music, choosing 1981. My memory of those days is somewhat hazy (it’s not just the short-term memory), but I was ready for all the good music of 1981. The author mentioned Elvis Costello’s Trust…

  • Whatever

    I’m trying to enjoy the summer, but the temperatures are a bit too hot for me. Must be those climate change scientists artificially raising the temperatures so as to keep getting funding (darn scientists). Woah! Highs only to 86 today – that seems conservative. I’ll bet that it’ll get hotter than that. What else is…

  • Benny

    We’ve been dogless for over a year, after having dogs continuously for 25 years. We miss having a dog, but enjoy the freedom of not having a dog. This week we’ve been dogsitting our sister-in-law’s dog Benny, a one-eyed long hair Chihuahua. It’s been a different experience for us. Our previous dogs were a black…

  • 1971

    I think that 1971 might be the best year for music. Sure, there were no more Beatles, and we lost Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin the year before, but there was a ton of great music post-Woodstock. Who’s Next, Sticky Fingers, Every Picture Tells a Story, Tapestry – all classic albums from 1971. After 1971…

  • The Rains in Maine

    We had rain on Saturday – much needed rain. It’s been a dry summer so far, so getting rain is important. My lawn has been very dry. I get up this morning and what do I see? Rain. The weather report says AM showers, but cloudy all day. I won’t be getting to my lawn…

  • 4th of July

    Who knew that we really needed to be warned about the danger of fireworks, and that we shouldn’t do anything that would lead to our hands getting blown off? Jean Pierre-Paul of the New York Football Giants showed what can happen when you don’t handle fireworks safely. Goodness. There were other incidents last year, too,…

  • Country Time

    Growing up in rural America I was exposed to the Country music of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. It was quite popular among the parents of most of the kids near where I lived, so I’d see the albums and hear some of the music. At the time, I did not care for the…

  • Computer Is Back

    Well, my computer is back. I spent Friday evening checking it out – seems to be the same. To protect the computer against possible power surges (not necessarily the reason why the motherboard quit – Geek Squad said no – but maybe), I bought an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) to help power down computer in…

  • Father’s Day

    I had a dream earlier this week (wait – I’m NOT going to recount it to you) that had Pete Miller (R.I.P, buddy) tell me to become the person I should be, rather than stay as I am. It was a good reminder for me – at age 56 one tends to get into a…

  • Quiet Sunday

    Anyone famous die this week (Gordie Howe was 88 – doesn’t count)? No. Any big news happen this week (Clinton as presumptive nominee doesn’t count – has been so for a while)? No. Anything stuck in my craw? No. So it’s a quiet Sunday, with chores and my book awaiting me today. What am I…